President answered journalists' questions: "We keep saying the same things anyway... Let's just let them get on with it in peace"

MILAN – The day after Inter's match against Genoa, Massimo Moratti found journalists waiting outside his offices in the centre of Milan to ask him questions. You can read the president's statements in full here on

Andrea Stramaccioni said that you're the one who will speak about the future. Is now the time to do so?
"No, not yet. But we keep saying the same things anyway... There's one more match left to play, let's just let them get on with it in peace."

Leonardo had an argument with Ibrahimovic. Will you separate them by bringing Leonardo to Milan?
"No, come off it! What have we got to do with Leonardo and Ibrahimovic?"

Is it the number of games lost that's stopping you from confirming Stramaccioni or is there something else fuelling your doubts?
"You're fuelling doubts, not me. You're the one asking me if I have any doubts, and I don't have any at the moment."

Is it true that you'll reach an agreement with one of the potential partners you're in negotiations with by the end of May?
"I read that too, I think somebody just made it up. I don't think so."

Would you be willing to sell 51% if someone made you a serious offer?

Do you expect to bring anyone else in to the club at a management level?
"I haven't looked at everything properly yet."

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tags: Moratti
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