The president answered questions from awaiting journalists before his meeting with Andrea Stramaccioni

MILAN - Massimo Moratti responded to questions from journalists outside the Saras offices:

President Moratti, is this a scheduled meeting with a look towards the future?

"When? Today? No, I have no such meetings today. We still haven’t decided anything. I’m going to see Stramaccioni since I won’t be going to Genoa on Sunday and I wanted to get a feel for how things are going. But it’s nothing more than that. There are no meetings regarding the transfer market or anything like that."

Will there be some discussion with Stramaccioni?

"Yes. I think we’ll mostly talk about last week, the other day and this coming Sunday. Then we’ll see. But it’s certainly not the sort of meeting you’re imagining. Not at all."

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tags: club Moratti