Midfielder to Inter Channel: "You feel down because of everything that's gone on but at least you've scrapped away and tried to turn things around"

MILAN – "We're sorry about the result. It's tough to take because we keep getting bad results. But today I saw that as a team we didn't slack off in the slightest. The fans understood that and repaid us with their applause at the end. We'd like to get applause for a different reason but just seeing a team battle on despite everything that's happened is an important sign in itself. You feel down because of everything that's gone on but at least you've scrapped away and tried to turn things around," Esteban Cambiasso commented after the Lazio match.

He continued: "I don't like to talk about bad luck even when that's clearly what you've had. Things happen because something hasn't been done well. It can't all be down to luck.

"No European football next season? It'll be a new experience for us, and it's not good for us or the club. But if we're not involved it means we don't deserve to be. Other teams have been better than us and deserved it more. We'll have to give our all next term, both in the league and the Coppa Italia, so that we can get back to doing what we've done in recent years.

"Our remaining games? Inter must tackle them with maximum focus. We're Inter and we can't be messing around. It must be the same in friendlies too, for the players' and the club's honour. After 38 league games you get what you deserve."

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