"My suspension for Genoa? The coach knows what to do. He's very good at putting out the best team with what he has available"

MILAN - He and Alvaro Pereira will have to sit out of next Sunday's visit to Genoa after they both picked up a yellow card in the second half against Lazio. After the match Juan Jesus gave his thoughts to Inter Channel.

"Unfortunately it didn't go well for us today, but we tried everything we could and we played a good game. It's a shame the year's gone the way it as, hopefully it will go better next season."

On his suspension for the Genoa game, with the team already crippled by injury problems in defence: "The coach knows what to do. He's very good at putting out the best team with what he has available."

What about Inter's youngsters? "They deserve credit because they played well and showed character."

A year without European football? "It will be a different sort of season for us. We'll set out to win and certainly we must get Inter back into the Champions League."

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tags: juan jesus
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