"It would have been an incredible feeling to score. I'll probably dream about it tonight but you have to move on"

MILAN - Luca Garritano spoke to Inter Channel after the Lazio match and began with the chance he had to score late on. "It's a shame Marchetti had to go and pull off that save at the end, it would have been an incredible feeling to score. I'll probably dream about it tonight but of course you have to move on, you can't look back too much. I hit it with my eyes closed and thought 'Maybe it will go in...'"

The 19-year-old forward then commented on the team's situation in general: "We always go out there to give it our best shot and we try to respond. But we're in a critical situation at the moment, the first team has been struck by so much bad luck."

On how to take his own game to the next level: "I think most of all I need to improve physically but tactically and technically too. I need to improve all aspects of my game."

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