"We could have carried on playing for another hour today but the ball just didn't want to go in"

MILAN - Simone Pasa spoke to Inter Channel after coming on as a 2nd-half substitute during Inter's defeat to Lazio.

"I've played in defence for the Primavera team before but of course keeping Klose and Hernanes quiet is a different proposition. You need to get into your stride and try to do the best you can. We could have carried on playing for another hour today but the ball just didn't want to go in. It was an unfortunate game for us and that's been the story of our season really."

"I want to thank the coach because, partly due to the bad luck we've had, he's giving us important playing time that helps us to grow. Marco [Benassi] did really well tonight too even though he was playing out of position. I also want to thank the more experienced defenders for all the advice they give me in training."

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