"We fought well considering the state we're in. Thanks to the lads for gritting their teeth"

NAPLES - "The lads at the back gritted their teeth, Ranocchia's knee was so swollen until yesterday that he couldn't even get his tracksuit bottoms on. Chivu wasn't fit either, he had an issue with his toes. All I can do is thank those two, because even at such a tough time they still went out there." This is what coach Andrea Stramaccioni had to say to Sky Italia following Napoli 3-1 Inter.

"Hats off to Napoli, because they played very well. We had a right go, despite our numerous problems. We were able to fight even in the state we find ourselves."

Stramaccioni then explained why he complained at the award of a penalty to Napoli: "I was angry because no one was booked when we won a penalty. Yet Jonathan was rightly - as per the laws - cautioned for the foul which led to theirs. These things make you angry, even if they have no bearing on the result."

The coach was then asked to comment on his side's huge injury list: "You always need to look at where you can improve and that's what we're doing. But when over the course of the season you suffer three Achilles injuries and two cruciates, the way you prepare doesn't really come into it. Other muscle injuries have resulted from certain players being overused."

The Nerazzurri gaffer then spoke to Mediaset Premium explaining, "We had a good go until they made it 3-1, against a Napoli side who scored after a few minutes. In spite of that we still created a number of chances, including our penalty. But their second came straight after. I'd still like to congratulate my players for the chances we created after the break, we had more than Napoli. But hats off to Edinson Cavani."

Inter will take on Lazio on Wednesday evening and Stramaccioni was asked if Antonio Cassano will be fit: "We get Rocchi back first then Cassano will be important but he's been out for a month and so will be on the bench, else we risk losing him. Ranocchia and Chivu also played despite knocks. The guys showed they want to give everything for Inter."

Talk then turned to the transfer market with Stramaccioni asked whether the club are interested in Cesc Fabregas or anyone at Real Madrid: "The president and directors are working on this. No one is happy with the way we're finishing the season, but we need to pick ourselves up and build a better side. This is the first year of a new cycle, we laid good foundations until we found ourselves decimated by injuries. We're all very sad about this end of season but we're doing everything in our power to honour these last few games. Other cycles have begun in difficult circumstances, I won't make promises to the fans but we are giving everything we've got. It's important we keep going, there are reasons behind the way we're ending the season, but this mustn't mean we should scrap everything.

"I'm confident, so is president Moratti but we mustn't change our approach. We need to constantly look at ourselves, however we've had a host of injuries that no one could have foreseen. You can't draw any connection between our training methods and the three Achilles injuries we've had, though you can with the number of games we've played. We paid for our Europa League squad, we mustn't repeat our mistakes but retain the positives. Where have I got it wrong? I've made some mistakes but always with Inter's best interests in mind. I'll always come out here and defend my players, even if it means I get criticised. We gave everything this evening, and we move forward with our heads held high. The lads have always listened to me even though I was the last in. I'll keep giving everything for this team for as long as Mr. Moratti wants me. I won't get down about it, we are representing a major global brand. Would I like to coach Fabregas? Yes, even more so given all these injuries. Think about how the match would have been different had we played with Milito, Cassano and Palacio, or Napoli without Cavani, Insigne and Pandev..."

Stramaccioni also spoke to Cielo: "How much could we have used someone like Cavani? He's incredible. We'd played with character until their third goal. We fell behind after 3 minutes and that's something you can't do at the San Paolo. What wasn't found wanting tonight was our desire to give everything for the football club, but it's difficult to rate our performance because of the injury situation. We were still the same side in the reverse fixture, albeit with no injuries. I want to thank the president by producing results. He knows what I think: I've always stood up and I can take criticism. To finish on a lighter note, what I will say is there's no danger of me picking the wrong team!"

Stramaccioni confirmed to Radio Rai that he hopes to "have Cassano on the bench against Lazio."

He then headed into the press room: "Ranocchia and Chivu? We've not even got any young defenders in the Primavera because of Mbaye's injury, there's a crisis there too. Plus I don't think putting a kid in out of position against this side which is flying would have been the best decision. Rocchi? We decided not to risk him tonight, as I told him myself, had this been the last game of the season he'd have been out there. Cassano? Even a cameo off the bench could be important. Palacio is taking longer with his recovery? I think it all depends on who it is, perhaps Cassano has come back quicker than expected. Do I feel envious of Napoli's lack of injuries? I've worked out how you do it... I saw pictures of the saints before going out onto the pitch."

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tags: Stramaccioni

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