Tommaso Rocchi spoke to Prima Serata: "If I score against Lazio I'll do it, but not over the top. That seems the right way to me"

APPIANO GENTILE - There were many Nerazzurri fans who wanted to get their thoughts across to Tommaso Rocchi and were able to do so by way of Roberto Scarpini on Inter Channel’s Prima Serata.

Regarding their support, the Nerazzurri striker said: "I always felt it, even at the beginning when I first arrived here at Inter and had a few problems getting adjusted. Certainly the season was difficult at the beginning. The fans are right to get angry and criticise, but you can still sense their support even in moments like these."

One fan asked how much training is necessary to become like Tommaso Rocchi: "At nine, ten years old I was still in the Venezia youth system. I trained every day. You have to have the desire to play this game and then it becomes a job. It takes passion, and you also have to break things inside your house with a toy ball like I used to do. At first I played on the right wing, but I’ve always played in a more advanced role."

Then on scoring again after a long break; the goal Rocchi scored against Atalanta was the 100th in his career: "All goals have a special flavour because each one is a kind of liberation. Clearly, that was important because it came after a long time; a long time in which I had played very little. I was glad I scored it, just as I was glad to hit the winner against Parma. I also hope I can score more and help out the team. Will I celebrate if I score against Lazio? I don’t agree with the idea of not celebrating, but the right thing to do is celebrate without going overboard and showing a lack of respect. If I score I don’t want to show a lack of respect to Lazio fans, but at the same time I don’t want to disrespect Inter fans by not celebrating. We’ll see."

And on the possibility of wearing a shirt dedicated to Javier Zanetti underneath his game shirt? "It would be a nice gesture. Unfortunately, I'm not crazy about these pre-planned things, but for Pupi it’s something different," stated Rocchi.

Don’t miss the live broadcast of Prima Serata on Inter Channel at 21:00

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