Tonight's guest on Prima Serata: "That's why I came here and I'm happy with my decision"

APPIANO GENTILE – Tommaso Rocchi is this week's guest on Inter Channel's Prima Serata show, which you can catch on Sky Italia channel 232 tonight at 21:00.

Simonetta from Treviso asked the striker what memories he has of his time in Venice. "That's where I'm from originally but I moved away because as a footballer you tend to change cities a lot. I spent a year playing for Treviso too and I enjoyed my time there, even though I wasn't exactly adored by the fans because there's a bit of local rivalry between Venice and Treviso. Venice is one of the most beautiful cities around but having spent so many years in Rome I feel that is my home now."

So what was it like leaving Lazio after all those years? "Not easy because I played so many games there and I'd become an idol. But I'm happy I decided to come here, I wanted a new challenge and they don't come much bigger or more intriguing than Inter."

How has Serie A changed over the years and has the striker's role changed at all? "There's certainly less money about nowadays. Top players win you games and at the moment they're very expensive. So now you have to try and unearth the stars of the future and hope they really flourish. What shouldn't happen is that the players you bring through are then taken away from you. Strikers live for goals and if you have a knack for that then you'll be important. Great strikers are always highly sought after because when you build a team you want someone who's going to stick it in the net for you."

You can catch another sneak preview of Rocchi's interview here on at 19:00.

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