Details of the trips to Budapest and Szendrolad and the progress made

BUDAPEST - The project involving 40 youngsters from Budapest's Cseppko children's shelter and 80 in the Roma village of Szendrolad is ongoing and the results - both from a technical perspective and in terms of the kids' behaviour - have been positive. Besides the continual progress reports we receive from workers at the institute, who tell us of the general improvement of many children, we are happy to say we witnessed this first-hand.

Teachers at the school in Szendrolad have reported that, since the Inter Campus sporting project has been up and running, there has been an increase in attendance, greater punctuality, and a more positive attitude in general.

Paola Balconi and Silvio Guareschi, our coaches who went to visit the sites, confirmed this progress both on the field of play, during training sessions, and on the days they spent running other fun activities with the kids.

There was clear evidence of the youngsters' ability to channel their understandable aggression and foster new positive emotions in the special friendship between a boy and a girl, along with their brothers and sisters, who are housed by the institute and who perfectly encapsulate the notion "Love is the answer", also the name of our partner association in Hungary.

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