Midfielder spoke to Inter Channel: "I've been through a difficult period but the brace is coming off next week"

APPIANO GENTILE – As he waits for the chance to be able to help his team-mates again, Gabi Mudingayi spoke to Inter Channel after two months on the sidelines with an Achilles injury picked up against Torino on 27 January.

"It's going well. I've finally started having therapy now and next week I'll be able to take the brace off too," the Belgian midfielder began. "I'm happy because I'm finally starting to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. It's going to be a while before I'm back on the pitch but things are looking brighter now. It's been a difficult period for me, I couldn't do anything and I basically spent a month at home. The hardest thing is seeing your team-mates train and not being able to do anything to help them. It's a shame the year's gone the way it has but now I'm just trying to get myself fit again as quickly as possible."

The only way is up from here. Mudingayi explained: "I'm already feeling a lot better because I know I'll be walking without the brace soon and then I can start running again - that's the best thing because it makes you feel as if you're doing something. Being able to work alongside the rest of the team is a big boost for me and it's great to know that they're waiting for me to return. The group is very compact as well and that also makes me feel good."

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