"I think what they did was fantastic and it will live long in the fans' memories. Just lacked a bit of luck"

MILAN - Massimo Moratti spoke to the waiting press outside the Saras offices this morning.

Read what he had to say here on

What's your mood like after the big victory over Tottenham?

"Obviously very proud, very happy with the showing of both the club and the team. Let's hope this now augurs well for the future."

You gave Stramaccioni a vote of confidence before the match, and your confidence in him seemed even stronger after the game, because the team appears to be with him.

"It looks like it but if this is the issue with every match, we'll have a lot to talk about."

You need to replicate this performance in the league because it's important to secure third place, isn't it?

"You're absolutely right, in fact the downside of yesterday's match was extra time. Having said that, from a moral and psychological perspective it's all very positive. Physically we need to still have the strength to play well on Sunday."

You were missing a bit of good fortune yesterday, perhaps that's all...

"Yes, although I must say the game went beyond our initial expectations. We were just missing that rub of the green which would have made it a memorable achievement. I believe what they did was fantastic and it will live long in the fans' memories."

Are you maybe a bit rueful about the first leg?

"Of course."

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