"We deserved it in the end. Cassano? No need to bring him back in, he was never excluded"

CATANIA - "We started very badly, due in part to an amazing atmosphere here in Catania, and our opponents began very strongly. We made a huge mistake on their first goal and on the free-kick with Marchese getting up on his own. But if the team didn't have guts, there would have been no way of coming back." Here's what Andrea Stramaccioni had to say about the comeback victory at the Stadio Massimino.

Juan Jesus was slightly naive on the opening goal, with Stramaccioni commenting: "A young kid like him, who makes a mistake like that, but who then played a great second half... we mustn't forget we played with two left-footed centre backs today. What I liked most was Juan Jesus' reaction in the second half.

"It was a huge win because we beat the form side in the league at the moment. It's even sweeter because I don't know if anyone would have backed us after the first half. In the end we deserved the win. Today Cambiasso, Zanetti, Chivu and Stankovic pulled the rest of the team with them to achieve an unbelievable result given the state of the match. A coach must make the most of those 15 minutes with his players in the dressing room. I don't know how many people would have even bet a Euro on us winning the game. As I've said, this squad is a mixture of players who've made history at the club and others who will be the future like Handanovic, Palacio and others."

The coach was then asked about the substitutions he made, bringing off Guarin and Rocchi: "We know how much Guarin gives, he was gritting his teeth but it wasn't worth risking him. Why did I start with Rocchi ahead of Palacio? A coach is not a journalist, so I'll remind you that his performance was good enough based on the service we provided him. Obviously he needs to get some minutes under his belt as he's not played in a while. I left Palacio on the bench because we have lots of matches coming up and I have to manage that."

Talk then switched to the Antonio Cassano situation: "There's training tomorrow and Antonio will be there just like the rest of his team-mates. And we'll prepare for Thursday's game. When will he be brought back in? There's no need to bring him back because he was never excluded in the first place. There can be heated discussions in any changing room. We'll need everyone between now and the end of the season, and that includes Antonio Cassano. But what goes on in the dressing room is our business alone. These are all things that happen between men in a dressing room. Apologies? Our relationship is my business, I'll say something to Antonio in person, just as he will with me. Am I disappointed? I'd tell him in person if I were, I don't need to say it on television."

Stramaccioni also singled out referee Mauro Bergonzi for praise: "Bergonzi put in a great performance, I just want to highlight that, it wasn't easy."

Finally, the coach underlined that "someone told me this was my 50th game in charge and for me it's still a dream. Have Inter changed me? You'd need to ask the people around me. As a man I don't believe so, but as a coach yes, because I learn something new every day from my players and the environment I work in."

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tags: Stramaccioni

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