"We feel bitter and we're all at fault. We'll try to react immediately. The fans are with us"

FLORENCE - "We feel very bitter about both the result and the performance. But Fiorentina deserve credit, and tonight any team would have suffered against them. We weren’t able to do anything." After the game, Javier Zanetti opened with these statements to Inter Channel.

"We now have two choices: either give up, which is something we’re not used to doing, or immediately start again. So were going to start again. On Thursday there’s the Europa League and then the derby, which could be the turning point. Arithmetically speaking, the standings show we’re not that far off the Champions League spots, which is very important for us and the club," stated the captain, who stressed that "the team wasn’t in it this evening. Everyone deserves the blame for it. We have to start again and try to react as soon as possible. No one expected such an outcome this evening. When you suffer a blow like that you have to accept it and get on with things."

Zanetti then addressed the fans: "I’ll always be grateful to the Inter fans, who are always there for us. I’m sorry we didn’t turn in a better performance. I can imagine how sad and bitter they must feel, but we’ve been through a lot of difficult moments and always moved forward again. I know they’re there with us."

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