"But we'll all have to give a bit more. Stankovic won't be with us in Florence but he'll be there for the derby"

APPIANO GENTILE – "We're Inter, our targets don't change," declared Andrea Stramaccioni ahead of Fiorentina v Inter. After explaining how close the team and the club as a whole are to Diego Milito, and emphasising how sorry everyone is to have lost him for now, the coach was keen to stress that the team are as determined as ever to have a successful season. However, he did admit that, "We'll all have to give a bit more now, we need everyone to chip in, those who have been a bit further back - not only Rocchi but people like Alvarez too - as well as Rodrigo, Cassano, Guarin. Everyone."

At that point Stramaccioni was asked if it might be worth Inter's while bringing in a free agent. "As the coach of this team, I exclude that option. Obviously it's part of Branca's and Ausilio's jobs to keep tabs on the situation regarding free agents, but no names have been put to me. As things stand, I can exclude the possibility of us signing anyone."

The coach then turned his attentions back to tomorrow's game and admitted that he would "speak to [Primavera coach Daniele] Bernazzani about drafting in a youngster or two. All the Primavera players who are most ready for first-team football have been given the chance to prove their worth, and our three most promising forwards - Longo, Livaja and Bessa - are out on loan. I'll definitely call up a striker. The two who have the best attributes to play at centre forward are Forte and Colombi. Garritano and Terrani are more suited to playing off a front man."

Stramaccioni also revealed that Stankovic would not be in the squad for tomorrow: "Deki is fine, he's just had a minor problem, which is to be expected when you come back after being sidelined for so long. But he'll be working with us again from Monday. He really wants to be involved in the derby and I'm sure he'll be in the squad for that game." However, the coach ruled out the possibility of Samuel recovering in time for next weekend: "Unfortunately for the team, Walter is further behind in his recovery than Deki. They are two different situations."

On the subject of the upcoming Milan derby, a journalist enquired if Inter had considered asking for the match to be put back to Monday. Stramaccioni replied: "The derby is on Sunday evening and we've never thought about the possibility of having it moved. AC Milan have a midweek game too, although they play before us, but that's ok. Our injury situation doesn't help us to rest players, but we'll grit our teeth and get on with it."

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tags: Stramaccioni

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