"Sad not just from a footballing perspective, but this must give us more strength to win"

MILAN - "Milito's injury is not only a blow from a footballing perspective but also very sad for him because he'd rediscovered his enthusiasm for the game, and he's a consummate professional." This is what Massimo Moratti had to say to the waiting press outside the Saras offices.

"Yesterday was frightening, but he's got the character to come back, train and play. It's still horrible for us to think about, 12 hours on. I've not spoken to him yet. We gave him some space because of the pain he's in and so he can get his head around it. I'll speak to him soon. I don't think the team will crumble now and I actually think this will give us more strength to play well because the injuries are starting to mount up. We need to keep going and keep winning."

The president then spoke about Mateo Kovacic: "He looks like a good player with a lot of quality, now he needs to maintain it and we'll see." He also had a word on Inter's targets for the rest of the season: "Absolutely, stay in the Europa League and secure third place in Serie A."

Finally the president was asked whether Inter could do something in the transfer market now Milito is out for the season: "We don't like to think about these things 12 hours on from an injury like that, but I can categorically rule out the chances of bringing anyone else in."

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tags: Moratti
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