"Thanks to the fans for their great ovation. We're not out of it, we're still in there"

MILAN - "The nightmare is over, now I hope to get back to full fitness and help my team out. I'd like to thank the fans for the amazing reception they gave me." An emotional Dejan Stankovic spoke to Inter Channel after making his first appearance since 2 May 2012.

"We have targets, we mustn't stop trying. What type of squad am I back among? A great group, a bit tired every now and then because we have so many games, but I've never seen them get down. As the coach said, we're not dead and buried. And we've added quality with the new signings. 'Kuz' is a great acquisition, he'll get even better, you'll see. Kovacic? You can tell instantly when someone has big talent; I try to give him a hand, he reminds me of myself when I joined Lazio aged 19."

 Versión Española  日本語版  Versione Italiana 

tags: stankovic

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