Read what the president had to say to journalists this afternoon

MILAN - The journalists' questions for Massimo Moratti were about one subject only today: the transfer market. This is what the president said to reporters as he arrived at his office in the centre of Milan:

President Moratti, is there any news from Brazil about Paulinho?

"No, none whatsoever."

But are you confident the deal can be done?

"Deals get done if the right conditions are there to complete them. As things stand, at the conditions I was made aware of, the deal might have been possible, but if those conditions change then no."

Considering Inter's plans to rejuvenate the team, isn't it perhaps a bit early to be selling Coutinho?

"Yes, but things get done for a reason and selling Coutinho is not done with the idea of cashing in but because, looking at the way things have developed recently, we have a greater need in different areas than Coutinho's position, regardless of his age."

Will you be looking to bring in another midfielder now that Mudingayi is injured?

"Look, the only thing you can do is say 'poor Mudingayi, he's such a lovely lad and he's been so unlucky'; not replace him. That's what I think."

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