"We'll turn it around at our place. Gutted not to be able to play the return leg"

ROME - "The tie is still open, we'll be ready for Roma at our place so we can turn it around." Fredy Guarin spoke to RaiSport at the end of the match following yet another dazzling display.

The midfielder analysed the goals Inter conceded: "It was a lack of focus on our part, we need to work a bit more on this."

The Nerazzurri man then spoke about the booking he picked up tonight, meaning he'll miss the second leg: "It's sad, I'm gutted I won't be able to play with my team-mates in the return leg."

Finally a word on his position on the pitch: "I'm really enjoying it, I have the freedom to try and provide assists, to shoot, I like it. Plus I've got an engine which allows me to go forward and track back."

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