Primavera coach, this week's guest on the Inter Channel programme, took questions from the fans

MILAN - Primavera coach Daniele Bernazzani was hosted on the second edition of Prima Serata in 2013, the Inter Channel programme that aired at 21:00 this evening. Roberto Scarpini read out the questions sent in by fans as the Under-19s' coach spoke about his past as a player and as a technical assistant but also about Serie A and, of course, young players.

There's been a lot of talk about setting up B teams for young players. Do you think that would help them to bridge the gap with the first team, make it easier for them to fit in with the 'big boys'?

"Yes, I think it would. It's something they already do in other countries, like Spain for example. It allows you to get that bit closer to the level of the first team. It would mean having players who are more mature and better prepared to make the step up. At the moment it's a big step up from the Primavera to the senior team."

Are Mbaye, Benassi, Romanò and Duncan ready for Serie A?

"I think they are. There are 20 teams in Serie A. They could certainly give a good account of themselves and I think they've proved that. When they've played for Inter this season they've always done well, but it's difficult for them to get regular games - it would be easier for them to do that at a smaller club."

Is it better for a youngster to start playing for a big team straight away or spend a year of two at a Serie B side?

"I think every youngster has his own path to follow. Some of them are able to make the grade straight away, others need a bit more time to develop. The important thing, if you've got talent and character, is that you stick at it, because that's how you make it in football."

As you've been at Inter for years, what similarities do you see between Mourinho and Stramaccioni?

"I think they have lots of things in common: their character, their approach but also the way they handle the squad and their attention to detail. I think there are 'tactical' similarities too: they both always try to find the best way to get the team playing."

Do you think there are any Primavera players that Stramaccioni hasn't considered yet who could hold their own in the first team?

"You can't ask me that! [laughing] Stramaccioni knows them all really well. He comes and plucks them out of my team when he needs someone for a game or for training. Training with the big boys is crucial for a player's development. When you play with the best, you take your game up to the next level."

The press have been talking about Lorenzo Tassi for years now. What do you make of the boy?

"Lorenzo is a fantastic talent. He's had a few problems with injuries but he's got over them. He's one of the few lads born in 1995 we have in the Primavera. He's got some games under his belt – not always because you tend to favour older players in that position. Like a lot of skilful players, when he was younger he was played in the 'trequartista' role. He's adapted his game now though and is a better all-round player, he's more of a playmaker. And I think he has a big future in that position."

Did your versatility as a player help you once you became a coach?

"I don't know. Having previous playing experience is not the most important thing but it obviously helps you to understand certain things - out on the pitch but also psychological and behavioural aspects. There isn't one rule that fits all, but personally I found my playing career helped me a great deal. Having played in different roles was a big help in understanding different situations."

Is your dream to remain in the youth set-up or move on to coach at a Serie A or Serie B team?

"I don't think you can choose your own destiny. I've always lived by the day, or by the year I should say. What happens happens. I'm very happy with what I've been doing up to now."

If the president got out of bed one morning and told you to take a player from the first team and put him in your Primavera side, who would you pick?

"Samuel is a player I've always liked. He doesn't talk much but he always gives 100%, he's positive, exemplary. He'd be able to teach the youngsters a lot about having the right attitude and how to approach this sort of career."

How much do you rate your new assistant Stefano Bellinzaghi?

"Stefano hasn't been with me for very long. He came in to replace Vincenzo Sasso, who moved up to the first team. I'm very happy with him, he's a great resource for the club. He's been here for years and has always done a fantastic job with the kids."

What difficulties will you be up against when you play Atalanta in the league on Saturday?

"It will be very tough. Atalanta are above us in the table. We'll have to take the game to them and play to win. We'll see how it goes."

What do you think of your Viareggio Cup group ?

"On paper it could have gone worse, but then you have to actually go out and play the games. Viareggio is a competition we want to do well in. It's going to a huge challenge though."

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