Important figure and link since Pinzolo, a quiet but key figure for the team and management

MILAN - The vital link between the team and the outside world and an important figure for both the players and management, Ivan Ramiro Cordoba became team manager at the start of the summer training camp in Pinzolo in July. He was officially introduced in his new role on the same day Nike unveiled the Nerazzurri's kit for the 2012/13 season.

Cordoba is a quiet figure but an important one at the club, alongside Inter's key men and president Massimo Moratti. He is also a trusted advisor to Andrea Stramaccioni and ensures the needs of the players are met.

He is always reliable and committed whatever the circumstances. He is always very close to the squad, following them wherever they go and represents them at all times. Smart, intelligent, studious and open: Cordoba has all the attributes for his new role as team manager. Inter have made a great choice.

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