"Napoli are a top team. Pleased with my own display, I did more of a defensive job in the second period"

MILAN - "We bagged three important points tonight because Napoli are a top team and second place was up for grabs." That's what Yuto Nagatomo told Japanese journalists after Inter's win at the Meazza.

The wing-back then analysed his own performance: "I'm pleased with how I did personally. In the second half in particular I had to carry out more defensive duties because the coach, through Zanetti, told me to concentrate more on helping our defenders. Midway through the second half I was almost in with a chance but I got there just a bit too late. My legs aren't very long and I couldn't quite stretch to it..."

Nagatomo was reminded that on other occasions this season, after a great performance the team has suffered a dip in form. He replied: "Unfortunately that has happened this year. We'll have to maintain our focus better. Juventus? We must keep on this path, it's too early to talk about the league table."

 Versión Española  日本語版  Versione Italiana 

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