From an exclusive interview with Cuchu that aired on Italia 2: "We didn't want another negative year"

APPIANO GENTILE - Esteban Cambiasso also had something to say regarding Juventus v Inter in an exclusive interview with Marco Barzaghi that aired on Italia 2: "It’ll be an important match, and definitely a different one from the others. This Inter team is now in the situation that it should be in. Juventus have done well to keep up this unbeaten run, so you have to tip your hat to them. Does it come down to the stadium? They’re owners of their own stadium, but I don’t think it’s much different than a situation in which there’s a city with only one team. It changes when you have a stadium used by two teams from the same city, as is our case. Is it further motivation? This is a match that both we and Juventus feel differently about."

The Argentine continued: "As for ourselves, I can tell you that I was confident and hoping for Inter to be in a situation like the one we’re currently in. We were coming off of a very negative year and at the beginning of this season we told ourselves that we didn’t want another one. The important thing was to understand our mistakes and correct them."

Is it possible to start talking about the Scudetto yet? Cambiasso gives his verdict: "It’s definitely too soon. Beyond what happens on Saturday there are still many matches left, and I don’t think that 90 minutes now will be decisive for the title. What matters for us is having moved five points above fourth place in the standings."

Cuchu has shown himself as a leader, and not only in recent games. "Training" is his only secret though. "The only secret is that, if the team is doing well, I’m more inclined to do well myself. Football is a team game; there’s no such thing as a phenomenon. Do I have something to get off my chest in regard to those who said we were finished? No, not at all. I’ll just say that the criticism directed towards myself or Zanetti, when they said we were untouchable, was completely unfounded. I've been here for nine years and I don’t think I’ve done too badly. Is the secret of our team a combination of experienced players and youngsters? The secret is having good players, good coaches and directors who work hard. Age doesn’t mean much. Stramaccioni? It’s no surprise. He’s convinced of his ideas and I don’t believe in the discussions surrounding his young age. If someone is good then it has nothing to do with age. Me as a coach? I don’t know what my future will consist of. Right now I’m happy with what I’m doing."

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