"Now I play for Inter in real life, whereas before... I want to win here and stay here for my whole career"

APPIANO GENTILE - "I've always really liked Inter, I'm very happy here. Inter is the only team for me: back in Brazil my favourite team has always been Inter - Internacional of Porto Alegre, but they're still Inter!" Juan Jesus, spoke with a big smile on his face during 'Prima Serata', tonight at 21:00 on Inter Channel.

The Brazilian defender explains that playing for the Nerazzurri is "a dream, a lot of fun. I used to play with Inter on the Playstation before I came here and I'm now actually playing for them in real life! And I'm very settled here, everyone has been very helpful, 'Pupi' especially."

What about his first memories of Inter? "I'll never forget how cold it was when I first joined, it snowed during my first training session at Appiano Gentile. It was cold, freezing, but it was a dream come true: Inter. I like Milan, I enjoy living here and every day I discover something new: I even took the metro!"

Juan Jesus then looks forward and sees his future with Inter: "I want to win trophies with Inter over a sustained period, at least 10-15 years. Could I stay here for the rest of my career? I'm young, I hope to stay here for a long time, for the rest of my career."

Catch the third instalment of Juan Jesus on 'Prima Serata' at 19:00

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