"I'm always with Coutinho and Jonathan. Philippe takes the mickey out of my ears..."

APPIANO GENTILE - Juan Jesus is tonight's guest on Inter Channel's 'Prima Serata'. He talks about friendships, hobbies, emotions, memories and the future: the Brazilian defender tackles all this and so much more in his interview with Roberto Scarpini, which will be aired tonight on Sky Italia channel 232.

We begin by discussing his closest friends, people Juan Jesus spends time with, not just in the dressing room, but also on nights out: "I spend a lot of my time with Coutinho and Jonathan. I knew 'Cou' from the Under-20 World Cup and Jonathan is a bit like an older brother. We often have dinner together: either our wives cook or we eat out."

As soon as Juan Jesus mentions Coutinho's name, a video is played in the studio: it's the young striker laughing at his team-mate and even comparing him to Shrek of all people. Juan chuckles in agreement: "It's true, people always say that, it's because of my ears." Juan meanwhile had praise for his countryman saying, "I would compare Coutinho to a Ferrari because once he sets off with the ball you can't catch him. He's tough to defend against in training."

Read the next instalment of 'Prima Serata' in an hour's time on inter.it and catch the programme itself on Inter Channel at 21:00:

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