The Primavera Coach discussed his team's form to Inter TV

MILAN - With two days to go before Inter vs. Juventus, the Primavera Coach Armando Madonna spoke to Inter TV about the shape his team is in at the moment.

"The team is fine even if they’re a bit disappointed about the last two defeats (in Florence and Barcelona). Unfortunately, we’ve not shown consistency during the games themselves. Even against Barcelona, there were two sides to our performance. We were worried and timid in the first half and then dominant in the second half, creating chances to score. We need to become aware of the fact that we can play against anybody as equals and show all of our quality.

"Inter vs. Juventus is the right game to start again from. It’s vital that we’ve learnt from our mistakes so we don’t repeat them in the future. During matches, we need to be more clinical and continue with what we did in the trip to Spain," added the Coach.

Finally, Madonna wished the new President Steven Zhang all the best in the role: "The very best of luck to the President, I wish him every success."

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