For over 50 years, the Nerazzurri colours have been represented all around the world with Inter Club

MILAN - Giuseppe born in 1920 and Pietro born in 2017 have something in common: Dna Nerazzurro. The oldest and the youngest members embody the passion of all the clubs around the world who represent the Nerazzurri colours with pride across the globe.

Giuseppe di Pietro is a member of Inter Club Salemi and his heart holds lots of Nerazzurri memories. "What a feeling when Corso and Suarez used to take to the pitch, their moments of magic gave me memories that I still think of with joy." The holder of two degrees (Law in 1945 along with History and Philosophy in 1954), Inter are a source of pride for Giuseppe. " Apart from contribution to our great sucesses, players like Facchetti and Zanetti represent the spirit and values of our team which are recognised across the world."

It’s also in Sicily where the youngest member lives. Pietro Scudero was only born a few weeks ago but he’s already a member of Inter Club Aci Castello like his father and grandfather because love for the Nerazzurri colours is something that is passed across the generations, a passion which unites all members around the world. 

Happy New Year to all members of the great Inter Club family! 

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