Sport brings people together and puts everyone on the same level

CAMOCIM- One of the newest buildings in the city is the sports hall dedicated to football, volleyball, basketball and handball. Because of this, during hot days in Brazil’s north-east, lots of kids will gather on the stands to attend sporting events whatever they may be. Whether it’s for the shade offered by the building  or for the love of the sport,  what matters is that around a hundred young people are always here and away from the dangers on the streets

 Among the various teams and sports that use the facility, Inter Campus also plays its part. Four groups of children train twice a week, learning how to be a team and getting respect from the their teammates. Just a year ago, many of them didn’t know football as they would pick the ball up in their hands and they didn’t know how to score. Today, thanks to the dedication of coaches Dan Dan and Jorge, and with the support of the Costa Incorporadora estate agency, they’re enjoying themselves, disciplined and developing in a healthy way. 

Among them is Christian who is partially-sighted but able to play as an equal despite his difficulties. With a football, he is able to express his personality and be a reference point for his friends who patiently help him. It’s thanks to the power of sport and an accomplishment for Inter Campus because when on the pitch in a Nerazzurri shirt, you feel like you’re all part of the same family.  


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