A new Nerazzurri supporters' club has been set up in northern Africa

ALGERIA – It all began from a group on social media inspired by a common passion for Inter, which led to social gatherings to watch games.

Finally, the next logical step was taken unanimously: launch the first official Inter Club in Algeria.

"We decided to found the club in order to say to the world that there is a group of Nerazzurri fans in Algeria as well," revealed club president Tarek Aissani, "and to give Inter supporters in this country a chance to come together and share their passion for the club. Our members come from different cities in our country, and they're all crazy about Inter!"

Indeed, the club's catchment area extends as wide as Orano, Azzefoun, Constatine and Blida, as far as 500 kilometres outside from the capital. It just goes to show that the no distance or border is too great for the wonderful Inter Club family.

Fly the Nerazzurri flag where you are: open an Inter Club with your friends today!

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tags: inter club