Inter Campus helps children to grow by harnessing the power of sport

MANAGUA - The delegation of two coaches and the chief of operations travelled to Managua for their usual annual trip, meeting the four coaches and more than 100 kids involved in the project thanks to local partners Associación Nicaragua Joven and Asociación CAIE.

During their stay, the local coaches attended theoretical content in the classroom, where they analysed the main techniques in football, linking them to a child's areas of development - motor, social, emotional and cognitive. Developing people via the game is a tricky yet fascinating topic which always provokes great interest and involvement. The afternoon field sessions then allowed them to test out the subjects they touched upon in the classroom, with the coaches putting the theory into practice.

"Dribbling", "controlling" and "striking" the ball are some of the terms that featured prominently in the training sessions, with a special mention for "heading." Be it a diving header, on the run or from a standing leap, the only rule is you must never be stood still! The coaches and kids were all very excited and focused, enjoying how every exercise can be broken down for this specific aim.

The happiness of these people always puts a smile on our faces. Keep going and we'll see you in March 2017! 

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