Nerazzurri vice president tells the UN: "We have strong values as a club, one of which is social responsibility"

NEW YORK - Inter vice president Javier Zanetti was among the speakers earlier today during the conference on Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations: "It's an honour for me to appear here for the second time in quick succession. We as a club have a number of strong values, which include social responsibility. Inter Campus - founded in 1998 upon the request of the Moratti family to help children around the world - is a very important project for us because it means Inter helps others: we look after and look out for them.

"We operate in 29 countries and establish strong ties with the UN. Sport is a crucial tool with which to convey positive messages. We hope to enjoy a long partnership together.

"We're here to support the Sustainable Development Goals, put an end to poverty and ensure a healthy lifestyle. We're here for quality education, gender equality and to reduce inequality. We're here for peace, justice and strong institutions and to create partnerships. Not alone but with the Italian representation and the United Nations."

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