Stefano Vecchi and Valeriano Recchi name their teams for the final match of the regular season

SESTO SAN GIOVANNI - Inter Primavera host Perugia this afternoon for their last game of the regular season, having already qualified for the Final Eight.

Here are the line-ups for the 15:00 kick-off:

Inter: 1 Di Gregorio; 2 Mattioli, 5 Popa, 6 Della Giovanna, 3 Miangue; 4 Tchaoule, 10 De Micheli; 7 Bakayoko, 11 Appiah, 9 Rapaic, 8 Kouame.
Subs: 12 Radu, 13 Equizi, 14 Gyamfi, 15 Gravillon, 16 Sobacchi, 17 Lombardoni, 18 Antonini Lui, 19 Gomes Delgado, 20 Baldini, 21 Pissardo, 22 Correia.
Coach: Stefano Vecchi.

Perugia: 1 Santopadre; 2 Patrignani, 5 Gualtieri, 6 Viola, 3 Trequattrini; 8 Pellegrini, 4 Ceccuzzi, 10 Jakovlevs; 11 Salvucci, 9 Mirval, 7 Di Nolfo.
Subs: 12 Cucchiararo, 13 Bianchi, 14 Maestrelli, 15 De Iuliis, 16 Varfajani, 17 Laurenti, 18 Buzzi, 19 Castelletti, 20 Vicaroni.
Coach: Valeriano Recchi.

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