Having just visited Milan to cheer on their heroes in the flesh, Inter Club Indonesia shares its passion for all things Nerazzurri with us


MILAN – Did you know that Inter Club Indonesia is the biggest Inter Club in the world in terms of number of members? It’s been bringing Nerazzurri fans in Indonesia together for years, thanks in no small part to the hard work of vice president Lola Winata, who we caught up with for an insight into how things work at Inter Club Indonesia!

When and how did Inter Club Indonesia come about?

"Inter Club Indonesia first started to come about in 2001 in the shape of a mailing list which allowed Indonesian Nerazzurri fans to chat about the club. In 2003, ten fans decided to create a fan group called Internazionale Indonesia Fans Club (I2FC). And in 2006, we officially founded Inter Club Indonesia."

Is there an event you’ve organised that makes you particularly proud?

"We’re really proud of the get-together we organised in Bali in August 2015. There were over 1000 members in attendance, as well as Inter legend Youri Djorkaeff. And of course we were delighted that president Erick Thohir could take part too!"

Is there an Inter Club Coordination Centre event that your members particularly enjoyed?

"Well, some of our members have just got back from a wonderful experience in Milan. They were able to visit the Trophy Room, take part in a Walk About at San Siro and even participate in a Meet and Greet with [Jeison] Murillo after the game. As well as all that, they had the chance to head to the training ground for Appiano Day, which really was an unforgettable experience."

Inter Club Indonesia president Arden Irtanto Benediktus had the following to say about the trip to Milan: "It was really exciting to go behind the scenes with our beloved team and take photos with our heroes. We were also able to meet lots of Italian fans. All of the members who went are still buzzing from the experience and from making new friends with other Nerazzurri fans!"

How do you get junior members involved?

"We organise special events for families, with lots of fun games for the kids."

How else do you support the club?

"We arrange to watch the matches together, with time for mingling before and after the game. We also have events with special guests from the Inter universe. As well as that we run charitable initiatives like shirt auctions or organising breakfasts for orphan children. Despite the distance, we try to organise at least one trip to San Siro a year, as well as planning Inter Club adventure trips, where we bring members together to go and explore nature!”

Find out how to join the Inter Club family here!

 Versión Española  Versi Bahasa Indonesia  Versione Italiana 

tags: inter club