Rain, mud and hitches are overcome with a smile and resourcefulness, all garnished with a medley of dialects

LUBUMBASHI – The minibus was packed full of equipment for the kids as well as 12 people (ourselves included). It weaved its way down a steep dirt track before coming to a halt in the red clay as soon as it had to negotiate a bump. The rainy season in Congo lasts from October to March and once you leave the city any journey can turn into an adventure into the unknown.

Fortunately the Congolese have learned to cope with the many hardships they experience. So four of the coaches jumped on two motorcycle taxis (yes, three per bike including the rider) and forged on ahead along the bumpy road while we freed the vehicle and set off again for Kawama, 40 kilometres away from Lubumbashi.

In Kawama we coached 40 boys and girls in the small centre built by Inter Campus with the help of UNICEF and some Nerazzurri fans. It was the last day of our stay, which had also seen us coaching in the city: children at the Jemaa Yetu school built by our partner ALBA onlus and street kids from the Bakanja Centre, with 20 girls from the RODE project.

The ten male and female local coaches got involved enthusiastically and translated everything into Swahili, Bemba or Tshiluba for us, depending on the audience.

We feel at home here now and the same kids who used to call us "Muzungu" (white person) remember our names now. “Ciao Massimo, ciao Lorenzo, ciao Dario. When are you coming back?”

Very soon, our dear friends.


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