"It’s a shame not to have got the three points because of a last-minute penalty. We were unlucky," declared the Colombian defender

MILAN Jeison Murillo has called for his Inter team-mates to put the defeat to Sassuolo behind them and move on immediately.

Speaking to the press after the game, Murillo declared: "It’s a shame not to have got the three points because of a last-minute penalty. We were unlucky. We gave it our all, but we couldn’t get it done and ended up conceding right at the last. Let’s focus on the next match."

Murillo also spoke of his frustration at some of the decisions: "I’m really angry about the mistake on the penalty. We respect the decisions of the referee. He let the play go a lot today but the images are there for all to see."

Finally, the Colombian defender looked ahead to Inter’s next match, against Atalanta: "Every game is different, as is the way you prepare for it. The only thing we can do is move on and not think about matches that are in the past. We deserve to have as many points as we do, but let’s keep working hard."

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tags: team murillo
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