Read the report of the recent visit to the kids in Puerto Iguazu and Buenos Aires

BUENOS AIRES – Inter Campus have made a routine trip back to Puerto Iguazu and Buenos Aires in Argentina to monitor the project and continue training local personnel.

As usual, the Nerazzurri team were greeted with enthusiasm and willingness to get involved. 

The kids at the Barrio Primero de Mayo primary school in Puerto Iguazu – which receives support from our partner London Supply Group Foundation – couldn't wait to play again with the coaches who had arrived from Italy. 

Despite the hammering rain – unusual for this time of year – that accompanied the majority of the stay, the days were jam-packed with fun. However, at times there was cause for sadness and deep reflection, like seeing the youngsters playing in bare feet in the pouring rain so they wouldn't ruin their only pair of boots. Equally, there was Luis who was upset to start with that he couldn't wear his Inter shirt along with his pals because it had been destroyed when his house burned down. Unfortunately, stories like these are all too frequent in the districts where these children come from. 

There's no less desire to play football among the kids at the Pupi Foundation in Remedios de Escalada on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Here too the children have to bravely deal with serious problems every day. The young Nicole is a prime example. While she was waiting her turn to play on the side of the pitch, she explained how she doesn't live with her mother and four brothers but her aunt. Nonetheless she's happy because the Pupi Foundation – thanks to its new campaign to tackle drug addiction – will help her 15-year-old brother. 

For the kids who participate in the Nerazzurri social project, a moment of particular delight is when the new playing shirts are handed out – well-received gift to celebrate the start of the festive period. And with Christmas just around the corner, the bonds with Inter Campus in this region continue to grow. 

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