"I’ve received loads of messages, which is lovely. It was a bit of a scare for my family, but I’m fine now," the Brazilian midfielder told Inter Channel

APPIANO GENTILEFelipe Melo has thanked fans for their messages of support in the wake of his head injury against Genoa on Saturday.

With the Nerazzurri back at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti on Tuesday for a double session, Melo was able to take full part in training for the first time after the clash of heads with Gary Medel: "I’m fine, thank God. I don’t remember much about the game but luckily I’m OK. It was a bit of a scare for my family. I want to thank everyone for their messages and I also thank God because I’m OK now."

The Brazilian midfielder came off at half-time against Genoa, but Inter were able to get the win and return to the top of the table thanks to Adem Ljajic’s 59th-minute goal: "There’s a long way to go yet but we’ve done well so far. I watched the game back on TV. It’s important we finish this first half of the season strongly, but we know it’s going to be tough at Udinese and against Lazio after that. We need to continue doing what we’ve been doing thus far: taking it game by game, showing our opponents respect but aiming to win every time we play because we are Inter."

Melo believes the secret to Inter’s success so far this season has been their collective strength: "Inter is a family. There are 23 or 24 players all with the same objective and they’re all determined to fight, to help their team-mates and to win. That’s what makes a great side, a tough side. As I’ve said, there’s a long way to go but we need to keep it up."

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