The award ceremony will take place during the eighth International Forum on 26 November in Monte Carlo

MONACO – The main theme of the 2015 edition of the International Peace and Sport Forum is "Endangered peace: How can sport help?" and will take place in the Principality of Monaco on 25-27 November, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II. 

The event will be inaugurated with a Peace Walk involving various political leaders, sports stars and participants coming from all over the world. 

Following recent tragic events in Paris and all over the world, the Forum's president and founder, the 1987 pentathlon champion Joel Bouzou, had this to say: "Peace and Sport has been using sporting values to create better conditions for a sustainable peace for many years now. This sporting movement can help to bring peace and reconciliation by using sport as a means of dialogue between peoples and communities." 

Over the three days of the Forum, there will be a stimulating and practical platform that will highlight possible steps and the potential of peace solutions based on sport. 

The programme will include around twenty speakers, four plenary sessions and three workshops.

The traditional Awards Gala on Thursday 26 November has always occupied an important place in the schedule and will reward the experiences of various key actors who have worked towards sustainable peace through sport in 2015. Inter Campus has been nominated as one of the three finalists in the Corporate Social Responsibility category. 


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