Thanks to the Nerazzurri’s social project, children in Nagalama are now receiving tangible assistance from local authorities

NAGALAMA – "The schools board gave us money to provide hygiene services to the boys and girls. That’s because you’re here and all the local authorities know that." These are the words of Mrs Josephine, the head teacher of the St Joseph primary school, where we are met by the 140 boys and 70 girls receiving sports training and educational lessons from local instructors Fred and Michael.

It’s testament to how our social action often brings invaluable benefits to the organisations and entities affiliated to Inter Campus around the world. Our work focuses much-needed attention on neglected or disadvantaged areas, sparking action and assistance from civil society and public administration and reaffirming the value of the Nerazzurri’s philanthropic efforts around the world.

The Inter Campus project in Nagalama was launched eight years ago in collaboration with Doctors with Africa (CUAMM), and the progress is evident every time we pay a visit. During our stay in Uganda, project manager Massimo Seregni and coaches Silvio Guareschi and Juri Monzani met with 20 local instructors to train them in correcting the youngsters’ technique the Inter Campus way, focusing on “positive” correction both to help them improve physically and ensure they develop from an emotional, cognitive and social perspective too.

Our visit was met with great enthusiasm from the local people, who have come to see us as part of the family and even presented us with a wale wale, a brightly coloured traditional shirt every bit as vibrant and joyful  as the spirit of our Ugandan friends.

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