Inter Campus is helping spread the word about clean drinking water and disease prevention

YAOUNDE – "The lack of clean drinking water is one of the biggest problems in the area of Mvog Ada, among the most densely populated quarters in the capital of Cameroon. It can lead to many negative side-effects, not least an increase in skin diseases. 

"Fortunately there are many initiatives that have been launched to fight against these disorders and Inter Campus plays a key role in raising awareness. We run educational programmes alongside football sessions to inform the kids and their families about tips for good hygiene and a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent skin infections. 

"In the last few months of the school holidays, we made sure our youngsters in Mvog Ada are looking after their health by cleaning themselves with water that has been boiled and then cooled, as well as washing and ironing their clothes every day. At the same time, families have been trying hard to keep their living space as clean as possible. 

"Now the summer is over and school has started up again, these habits must stay the same. Everyone at the Inter Campus centre in Mvog Ada intends on keeping up the good progress achieved so far by adopting an attitude better suited to warding off these diseases that so disfigure our beautiful dark skin."

Fabrice Nnomo, Inter Campus partner in Cameroon  

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