"The president has always supported and motivated us. Yesterday was a special day," the Nerazzurri No. 13 told Mediaset

MILAN Fredy Guarin is still on a high from his star turn in last night’s Derby della Madonnina. Speaking to Mediaset today, the match-winner declared: "Yesterday was a special day – it was fantastic. I couldn’t sleep much but that’s normal after an exciting match. I got up today with more motivation than ever."

Looking back on his goal, Guarin said: "I dedicated it to my kids and to Massimo Dellacasa, who’s going through a tough time. And obviously I want to dedicate it to the president, who cheered us on from Indonesia with a big group of fans.

"When things were tough here at Inter, he was first in line to roll up his sleeves and put his heart into the club. He has always supported us and given us the motivation we need to continue forward. The win is for him. Let’s hope we can keep it up and maybe win something come the end of the season," declared Guarin. 

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