Inter Campus delegation from Italy returns to Bosnia and Herzegovina to check up on progress at the local centres

SARAJEVO – Inter Campus recently returned to Bosnia Herzegovina to see how the local centres in Sarajevo and Domanovici are doing.

Despite travelling there at the end of May, we were greeted in the capital by clouds, rain and temperatures that were somewhat lower than we were expecting.
As a result, the two days of activities with local partner Sprofondo Bezdan took place indoors, in the gym. Inter Campus trainers Lorenzo and Dario soon observed the across-the-board improvement made by local educator/trainers Yasmin and Ahmed – from the drills they organised to the level of involvement and attention shown by the kids.

Our delegation then headed south with Sprofondo technical coordinator Sinisa to Domanovici via Mostar, with its famous Stari Most – the old bridge that was destroyed during the war in 1993 because it was a symbol of Bosnian integration between Croats and Serbs.

Upon our arrival in Domanovici we discovered a number of changes. The Catholic and Muslim Croats who share a love for football and the Nerazzurri shirt are now coached by a new trainer, Tomo, who helps local coordinator Zorica. It was immediately clear to us just how experienced and good at working with children Tomo is.

We would also like to congratulate Zorica for managing to further expand the structure, adding a dressing room and roofing to shelter the kids from the sun and rain.


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