The Croatian midfielder gives his take after Inter v Juventus

MILAN - Mateo Kovacic reflected on what turned out to be a disappointing match against Juventus shortly after the final whistle. 

"It's hard to talk about it in the heat of the moment," he began. "I think we played well but were unlucky. I don't think we did much wrong today. We made mistakes in lots of other games.

"We need to find consistency as we haven't been working with the gaffer all that long. We need to stick together.

"Today is not the time to talk about transfers; we have to concentrate on getting on with our jobs and improving."

Later he told Inter Channel: "I want to show the gaffer that I can do my bit for the cause. I'm a midfielder, that's where I'm most comfortable. I have to follow his advice and improve loads, though I think the same goes for the whole team. We're still coming up short in lots of areas but I'm sure we'll do better next year."


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