At last the boys and girls of Sidi Moumen can play on a new pitch

CASABLANCA - "The girls don't come because they're afraid of hurting themselves on the concrete." This is what we were told a few months ago by our friends in Sidi Moumen, a neighbourhood of council houses and shacks on the outskirts of Casablanca, to explain the absence of girls in the local project.

But Inter Campus initially financed covering the surface in sand and now a local sponsor is building an artificial pitch. That's seen the girls come back to train, and they currently number 20 out of a total of 120 with two female coaches. Their number will increase once the new pitch is ready next month.

In the meantime, Massimo, Lorenzo and Andrea used the local stadium facilities to continue the work of Inter Campus. The local coaches, led by the passionate and professional Said Quadmiry, continued their education, staying in constant contact with us via our spokesperson Wafa Latif and the use of social media.

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