A Nerazzurri family get-together to raise funds for children in Colombia

MILAN - It was three months ago when Inter Club Recco first contacted us at Inter Campus to suggest organising a charity evening together. The email spoke about celebrating "that other side of Inter, not the one everyone sees on the pitch but good old Nerazzurri solidarity". Something which Inter - club and fans alike - have long placed great importance on.

Naturally we were delighted to have received such a request and soon set about making arrangements: the location, menu, banners and prizes, our task greatly facilitated by Henry and Sergio.

Given their long-held personal ties with Colombia, it was agreed to donate the money raised to the Crecer Jugando Foundation, an Inter Campus partner which has been operating in Cali since 1999. The main aim at the 13 centres for 520 boys and girls aged 6-13 is to shield them from the threat of drug-trafficking and guerillas, besides offering the usual teaching and sports activities through local instructors.

Former Inter defender Ivan Ramiro Cordoba gladly took up the invitation to attend the event and he was joined by a host of other special guests, including Inter Club honorary president Bedy Moratti, Inter Campus president Carlotta Moratti, Inter Campus COO Edoardo Caldara, Inter venue commercial director David Garth, Inter Club Coordination Centre director Nicola Ranieri and Mario Corso.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Inter Campus, Inter Club Recco, the Inter Club Coordination Centre - and the Liguria centre in particular with the help of the Levante and Ponente Rivieras - a wonderful evening was had by all in the name of charity, with Inter Channel there to record it all for those who weren't able to make it in person.


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