New Inter Campus mission in the south of Lebanon

In an area gravely affected by the conflicts of recent years, and one still at the epicentre of widespread hostilities, the protection and mediation work undertaken by UN forces is indispensable. Neighbouring Syria represents a never-ending source of refugees, who add to the thousands of Palestinians who have fled their homeland over the decades.

Particularly active in these peace-keeping activities is the Civil Military Cooperation division of the Italian army, led by Major Giuseppe Manzi. Thanks to them, the Inter Campus delegation of Massimo Seregni, Juri Monzani and Andrea Galbiati was able to spend a week in the area between 23 and 28 March.

During our stay in Lebanon, we provided sporting training to over 120 children from the towns of Hannawyiah and El Mansouri, working closely with local authorities and schools. There was also time for a check-up on a school located just outside a Palestinian refugee camp, which is under evaluation for inclusion in the Inter Campus project.

As always, our goal is to guarantee the right to play to children who have an all too familiar relationship with destruction and incitement to hatred. Seeing the smiles on their faces and happiness with which they say goodbye to us, pleading with us to come back soon, fills us with great hope for the future of this ancient, martyred land.

Ma 'assalama Lubnan. Arrivederci Lebanon!

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