Slovene midfielder spoke to Sky Sport Italia before heading off to Baku for Thursday's Europa League contest with Qarabag

APPIANO GENTILE - Rene Krhin was interviewed by Sky Sport Italia ahead of Inter's departure for Baku and Thursday's Europa League clash with Qarabag.

The midfielder said: "This is a big moment for me as I haven't played for ages. I've always put every effort in on the training ground to make sure that I'm ready.

"I knew I'd have to bide my time at a big club such as Inter and I have to make the most of opportunities like this when they come around."

On the team's form: "If you watch the matches, you can see that we're playing as a team despite the results. We've bonded as a group."

Finally, a word on the Nerazzurri's next league encounter, in Verona next Monday. "We have to go to Chievo and play at the top of our game to make sure we come back with the points."


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