New season, new perks. Inter is more than a passion

MILAN - More than a passion. You can find Inter Clubs all over the world: they transcend borders and speak one language: the Nerazzurri one. The 2014/15 Inter Club membership campaign continues with members set to be at the heart of all things Inter. Many clubs have already signed up.

"I'm really happy with how the membership campaign is going," said Nicola Ranieri of the Inter Club Coordination Centre. "It's amazing how warm people are all over the world. On Inter's recent US tour for example, I saw families, fans and young people really excited about being a part of Inter." Members are always at the heart of the club and always ready for new changes.

An example of that? Inter Club members were able to make the most of the advantages created for them by the Coordination Centre at the home Europa League match against Stjarnan: free tickets for youth members, discounts and special offers and matchday hospitality are just some of the features members can enjoy.

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