After flying in to Milan this morning, the president took questions from the journalists waiting for him this afternoon

MILAN - President Erick Thohir flew in to Milan this morning ahead of Monday's board meeting. This afternoon he answered questions put to him by a group of waiting journalists.

Did you come to Milan early to see the One Direction concert?
"No, I'm not going to the concert - I wish! I was in the stadium though."

To see what?
"Just to see it. I took my mother and father. Then I had lunch with Mr Moratti. A family lunch – no business!"

Did you talk about new players?
"We haven't discussed any players but there's been a good discussion between the management and the coach so let's see in the next couple of days."

Will the board meeting decide on Mazzarri's future?
"We've had a good discussion, and Piero Ausilio and coach Mazzarri have had a good discussion. We should continue with the coach but we haven't signed anything."

Why only one year?
"It's still two years: we're adding one year so it's two years! It will be until 2016."

Is M'Vila joining Inter?
"You can ask Piero. He's the one who knows."



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