Inter top sponsor initiative saw several Polish sports journalists visit the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti where they met the players

APPIANO GENTILE - It was a special day for Oknoplast who organised a Nerazzurri-themed day for 17 of Poland's best sports journalists.

All of the guests were met at 09:30 this morning at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti for a coffee, before the Polish media held an interview with Diego Milito and posed for a photo with the striker.

Just before training, the Oknoplast team met the rest of the squad on the pitch and stayed for part of Walter Mazzarri's session.

After training, the Reprezentacja Dziennikarzy (playing on behalf of Oknoplast) met Inter Forever in a charity game.

The following stars turned out for the Inter Forever side coached by Roberto Boninsegna: Dino Baggio, Beppe Baresi, Evaristo Beccalossi, Daniele Bernazzani, Benny Carbone, Felice Centofanti, Arturo Di Napoli, Antonio Manicone, Mauro Milanese, Dario Morello, Leonardo Occhipinti, Massimo Paganin, David Suazo, Fabio Tricarico, Paolo Orlandoni, Francesco Toldo and Ze Maria.

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